A Free Van For Veterans – Wigan Borough Armed Forces Community HQ

It’s always a pleasure when we receive a visit from Veterans from The Wigan Borough Armed Forces Community HQ. Both a building and an institution, many of you will already be well aware of this wonderful organisation and what they do. The HQ looks after the very specific needs of military families, ex-military personnel as well as those still serving. However, the HQ also does an incredible amount of work in and around the Wigan Borough, making good use of the military precision and very specific sets of skills possessed by its members.

From the start of the pandemic, we’ve seen first hand, the Armed Forces HQ transformed into a logistics hub to help people across the borough, whether military or not, to cope. Getting things to where they were needed while the rest of society were only starting to figure out how to cope with lockdowns. Throughout it all, they’ve never stopped and even now are assisting with the distribution of covid vaccinations. it’s safe to say that the HQ and the people who are involved in it, have saved Wigan Council a fortune by stepping in wherever there was a need.

Free Van Hire Wigan Veterans

It’s no secret that not all ex-military people have an easy time adjusting to life back on ‘Civvy Street’ and many return from active service changed, either physically or mentally, by what they’ve experienced while doing their duty. The Veteran Maintenance Service aims to make sure that these Veterans are fully and properly looked after by providing a comprehensive range of services to meet their needs.

We’re proud to be able to provide this van to help the VMS in their quest to bring proper support to our returned heroes. You’ll see this van around Wigan and the wonderful team from the HQ;

It’s been our absolute pleasure to donate this brand new Vauxhall Movano, a favourite amongst our wigan van hire customers, to Wigan Armed Forced HQ, supplied fully liveried and free of charge for use by their fabulous Veteran Maintenance Service and we’re proud to play our small part in the lifesaving work they do.

Westwood Partners

Westwood Motor Group is a trading style of Melling Commercial Ltd, registered address: Manchester Road, Ince, Wigan, Lancashire, WN2 2EA
Melling Commercial Ltd T/A Westwood Motor Group is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No 650089) for insurance mediation and consumer credit activities.
In arranging finance we act as an independent credit broker and while not a lender, we deal with several external lenders.
Registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) Ref. ZA171129
Registered with the BVRLA Ref - 7164

Reg. Company Number: 05751934    ·    VAT Reg. No. 884 320 909

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